Tuesday 31 December 2019

Welcome 2020

I'm ready to welcome a new year and a new decade. 

Fingers crossed for bigger and better opportunities that lay ahead. 

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Family Day Weekend

What a February. We have had mild temperatures and we have had snow. Some serious snowstorms that closed down the town.

So, I'm walking my dog, editing my saga, and I'm knitting. 

Yes, knitting. I hadn't knit in years but found this small Canadian company that mails yarn, needles, and patterns. Everything I need to begin and complete my project. How sweet is that!  I pick up my knitting packages on the way back from walking the dog. Sweet!  Even Molligan gets excited and wags her tail. 

 It's a great hobby while watching the television. 
Fantastic family time with hubby and the dog. 

 She isn't sleeping.  She is trying to inspire me to knit something special for her. Maybe next season 😉

Masterpiece completed...

I love this shawl! 
I wish you could feel the silky softness around your neck and shoulders. 

My latest project. Mitts to keep my hands toasty warm. 
Knitme.ca provided a slight modification to the original mitt pattern offered. 

I can't wait until I get these finished. I need a thumb. 

FYI - If you lack the time or inclination, the owner does custom orders. 
I saw a gorgeous crop top and coordinating skirt that she made. 

Check out knitme.ca

Tuesday 1 January 2019

My wish for this holiday season

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year

My wishes for this coming year. 

 For Peace on Earth!

That no child or adult goes hungry
or has a reason to be scared.

That everyone feels loved.

A little compassion would go a long way.


From my family to yours. Enjoy this festive season!