Thursday 1 November 2018

Second thoughts?

How to convince an organized packrat to declutter. That was my dilemma. I love him but not all his, being polite I’ll call it stuff. 

So I had to come up with a rule. If you haven’t used it in 10 years, out it goes. Every rule needs a little bending. After all, I had some ‘stuff’ too. But not nearly as much. So if the item held sentimental value, it could stay. I crossed my fingers on this one. Hubby can justify almost anything. But like a good lad, he began sorting through the storage room and making some calls. I’m so proud. 
He found a home for a lot of old stuff and made some people super happy. You know the saying. One person’s junk is another’s treasure. We didn’t actually send anything to the dump. That isn’t quite true. We broke one old shelving unit apart and put the pieces into the garbage.

The standing joke. Hubby packed the storage room (mostly his stuff) helped me with the garage and helped with the shed. I packed everything else. I know, that doesn’t sound fair. Well, in the end, we packed the same number of boxes. Scary, I know. If you’ve ever put things into storage you know they want boxes filled to capacity. The corners filled. So packing actually takes time. It’s a big, tiring thought process. 

I began a month before moving day and was certain we’d be done a week before the big day. After all, we didn’t own that much stuff. We would be able to sit back and relax. In hindsight, how foolish of me. Hubby made a trip to his sister’s home with a carload of breakable items. My nephew arrived and we packed his truck with items my sister offered to store. Thank goodness for family. Mom and Dad offered to look after their granddog.

Time sped by like cars in an Indy race. It was the quickest month of my life. I got so tired of looking at boxes. Ugh, how I craved a major cleanup. Monday morning, the week of the move, my parents arrived and we packed outside decorations, some perennials, and the dog into their car. 
Molly was glad to go. She wasn’t impressed we’d cluttered her house. We packed both cars with stuff Monday night and set off for the apartment, our short-term rental on Tuesday morning. After five hours on the road and unpacking, we crashed onto the sofa when we got home. Wednesday we continued packing. We went to bed that night admitting, ‘we didn’t start packing early enough’. 

The movers arrived on Thursday. We were close. Honest, we were and 6 guys began loading boxes into two trucks. Diesel, the foreman dog, kept everything organized. 

During the course of the month, we’d cleaned cupboards as we emptied them. But the darn dust seemed to accumulate behind the boxes stacked against the walls. The joys and pitfalls of an entire month. Crap. I had to clean again. 

Wiped, we climbed into the car knowing we had to return Friday morning to finish cleaning. That threw my schedule out the window. Sheesh. After spending the night with my parents we headed back to the house.

With the car loaded to capacity, again, we held hands and took a leisurely stroll around our empty house. I must admit it didn’t seem like our home without the furniture. The darn bugs turned our stroll into a quick jaunt around the property. Still, it hit me with a tender moment. After 20 years, this wouldn’t be my home anymore. We had created a lot of memories. But, we had started a new adventure that I was looking forward to.  We returned to my parents' place, had a quick lunch, and set off to Stratford with hubby following behind in the second car. 

Thankfully hubby heard his cell ring because I didn’t. Gotta love calls from the lawyer. The house closed. The money would be deposited into our account. Yippee. We’re rich, for a month or so. If I wasn’t so tired, I would have kicked up my heels and danced in the street. Molly would have disowned me on the spot.

We lugged the last of the boxes up the set of stairs to the apartment, left one car parked, and headed back to Shelburne to see the dog. Saturday morning we loaded the suitcase into the car and encouraged the dog into her travel crate. I don’t think she trusted us and who could blame her. We headed down the highway to our temporary home. We should have gone on a holiday and returned when everything was ready. 
Did I tell you we’re having a home built?  Super exciting. Molly has been with us every step of the way as we picked out everything needed in a house. She crawls up on the blanket or towel we bring with us and has a sleep, sometimes. She visits the employees in their offices and greets customers at the door. I really think the dog needs a SIN number so they can hire her. 
Official greeter knowing the typical comment is ‘she is so cute.’
She loves our temporary home. Well, all but the steps leading to our second-floor apartment. 

But she loves the walks and all the sniffs. I think she thinks we’re on a holiday. Molly has travelled with us in the past and stayed in some nice condos. 
She has a few weeks to get used to this place before we pack up, again, and move to our forever home.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! We started purging in April - and now that we are actually packing we are still purging!!
