Monday 1 January 2018


The New Year has arrived.  We make resolutions, but this year, I truly hope that change is in our future. 
So many issues and challenges have surfaced, we can’t even count them. 2017 certainly brought a few to the forefront. 

Women’s issues. My word it’s 2018, not 1918. The time has come that all females should be treated as equals. Thirteen women run countries, according to an online search. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany is just one. 
Our Canadian Prime Minister made a cabinet with equal numbers of men and women. Not because he had to, but because he had qualified females to fill the role. Chrystia Freeland in Foreign affairs is a force on the world stage. She would have my vote for prime minister.

It’s time to introduce respect for men, women, children, animals, ethnic beliefs, and our environment. We are born with brains. Let’s use them. Treat others the way you want to be treated. We have different opinions. We won’t always agree, and that’s okay. Respect the difference.

So my News Year’s hope is that people gain patience and understanding. That men and women stop abusing their power and treat subordinates with respect. That people realize that money and greed will not buy happiness. I’m reminded of the F. Scott Fitzgerald movie ‘The Great Gadsby’. 

People flocked to his parties, but not to his funeral. I want to be remembered as a good, caring person when my time comes to an end. Do you?

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