Thursday 15 March 2018

Retiring my Coaching Hat

If you follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you’ll know I’m a curler and I’m a coach. Ten years ago, I offered to help a friend with our local league. Seven years ago I stepped up and began administering the league.  There is no way I would have done it without the help of my friends, Kathy and Willie offering to help on the ice. 

I email parents with an upcoming event and track who wants to take part. There are weeks it takes multiple emails, reminding parents I need a firm answer or a form signed and returned to me. I communicate with coaches with other clubs and of course, I communicate with our board of directors. Never a dull moment. 

My gosh time goes quickly. 

Carrie was in a serious car accident and had to step away from coaching.  Cindy and Steve’s daughter’s both decided to try other sports so I lost two coaches.

Mike, Mark, and Don offered to help when their boys decided to give curling a try. I will never turn down a coach. 

Every autumn the kids enter the lounge after the summer and we say ‘Wow, have you ever grown.’ I have watched 8-year-olds grow to graduate elementary school, get their licenses and graduate high school. What an absolute honour to see these kids mature into responsible adults. 
When I began, our membership numbers dwindled as the season progressed. This season began with twenty-two kids and the season ended with twenty-six young curlers. Not a single curler got bored and left. That is a huge compliment to my coaching team.
But, like all good things, the time has come to hang up my coaching hat. So, this autumn I announced it would be my last year. My sidekicks, Kathy and Willie have also announced they will be taking a step back. They will coach, but not every Sunday

  Thankfully, one Mom has offered to step up and take my place. One father has offered to step in as the main on-ice coach. I will miss working with all of you, no question, but our league will be in great shape. 

So a big thank-you to the coaches, parents, and the kids. You made the winter months zoom by over the past ten years. I’ve enjoyed spending most Sundays, a great deal of Saturdays with you. 

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